Welcome to the Drawing Room

Hello! I assume you are here desiring an audience with Lord Heartless? He is out at the moment but I anticipate his return at any time. Until then, find a comfortable chair, settle in, and enjoy a spot of tea. Browse through the available reading material, learn what you can of the heartless duke, and decide if you really want to meet him. Please leave your calling card in the form of a comment.

It was lovely to see you! Please stop by again.

***Please BEWARE*** If you have yet to read Heartless, certain aspects of the story may be inadvertently spoiled for you here. Please take care while exploring.

Monday, January 9, 2012

To Prologue or Not to Prologue

That is the question. 

I vaguely recall reading somewhere that you should never start a book with a prologue. As far as writing tips go, it's one of the worst I've ever heard. Many stories really work with a prologue. Some don't, true, but many do.

Just as every writer is different, so is every story. Write what's best for that story, not what some blowhard thinks is best because they believe they're some kind of writing expert. (For the record, I don't remember who said it, and I honestly don't care.) 

OK, rant over. Sorry about that. 

As it stands, Heartless has a prologue. It takes place more than 20 years before the bulk of the story. It tells us why Hart's a jerk and lets the reader easily forgive most of his bad behavior while reading the rest of the book.

My problem? I'm not sure I really want to let the reader have that excuse so early on. Wouldn't it make for a better "mystery" (so to speak) if the reader doesn't know up front why Hart's such an a$$?

This is the only major change I'm considering. And it might end up that I leave it in. I'm not entirely sure. I do know that some readers do not care for the opening line. ("You lying b****!" is a bit of a slap in the face just starting out in a story. Though hubby's pronouncement was, "Best opening line EVER!" Men.)

Any thoughts, lovers of all things Heartless?

1 comment:

Rachel Rossano said...

I like the idea of keeping the reader in suspense and getting rid of the prologue (and this has nothing to do with the first line). :) You have a sympathetic heroine and by the end of the story your readers will love him despite his flaws.